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John C. Bogle 【約翰.柏格】




二〇〇四年,《時代雜誌》將柏格先生列為全球最具影響力的百人之一,美國金融界知名的投資者協會(Institutional Investor)也頒發「終身成就獎」給他。一九九九年,《財富雜誌》將柏格譽為投資界二十世紀的四大巨人之一。同年,他獲頒普林斯頓大學的「伍德羅‧威爾遜獎」,表揚他服務美國的傑出成就。

約翰 · 柏格也是一位暢銷的財經作家,截至目前已出版11本作品。



Bogle on Mutual Funds: New Perspectives for the Intelligent Investor《柏格談共同基金》,2003[1993])

Common Sense on Mutual Funds: New Imperatives for the Intelligent Investor(《共同基金必勝法則》,2002[1999])

John Bogle on Investing: The First 50 Years(2000)

Character Counts: The Creation and Building of The Vanguard Group(2002)

Battle for the Soul of Capitalism(2005)

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing(《一本書學識投資》,2015[2007])

Enough: True Measures of Money, Business, and Life《夠了:回到理財初衷,跳出金錢困局》,2015[2008])

Common Sense on Mutual Funds, Fully Updated 10th Anniversary Edition (《共同基金必勝法則十年典藏版(上)/(下)》,2012[2009])

Don't Count On It! Reflections on Investment Illusions, Capitalism, “Mutual” Funds, Indexing, Entrepreneurship, Idealism, and Heroes(2010)

Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation《文化衝突:投資,還是投機?》,2017[2012])

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing:10th Anniversary Edition, Updated & Revised《約翰柏格投資常識全新增訂&十周年紀念版》,2019[2017] )